Thursday, December 13, 2012

Another Tutorial Task Question

"Design a test that requires candidates to draw (or complete) simple pictures. Decide exactly what the test is measuring. Think what other things could be measured using this or similar techniques. Administer the test and see if the students agree with you about what is being measured."

Tutorial Task (week 11)

This is the task that i did in LMS...

...and this is my reply..

Here's a video that is linked on the related topic - "Holistic or Analytic Marking?"

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meet...Mr and Mrs G.R.A.M.M.A.R...

This is Fun!!!

Hi!!! Thanks to Ms Yoon ( noweducate.blogspot), now I can use "Voki" to make my teaching materials/tools much more interesting and creative!!!Moreover, if you are the kind of person who ENJOYS creating SIMULATED PEOPLE (Hint: THE SIMS, anyone?) then this would be an awesome website that I..i mean, we should try and have fun with our students!

Feedback on Anderson's Article

This is the link to the article that i'm referring to...

And this is my feedback on Ms.Anderson's article...

this is the video....